[tomoyo-users-en 608] Fail-safe boot on tomoyo
Ryan Seu
2014-06-19 04:58:48 UTC
Hi folks,

Quick question - I need to do a large scale deployment of tomoyo. Problem
is that the policy files are deployed and managed by puppet/chef and
there's no perfect way to guarantee that they may not be corrupt (imagine
power interruption during puppet update).

I've written shutdown scripts that does syntax check before halt/restart,
and I've modified the grub menu entry to allow a kernel command line
without tomoyo enabled just in case kernel panic occurs.

All that said, is there any sane way to ensure that tomoyo doesn't cause
kernel panic on boot due to policy issues? I can start with no policy but
that requires manual bypass. Maybe the ability to automate the bypass?

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Tetsuo Handa
2014-06-19 12:37:56 UTC
Post by Ryan Seu
All that said, is there any sane way to ensure that tomoyo doesn't cause
kernel panic on boot due to policy issues? I can start with no policy but
that requires manual bypass. Maybe the ability to automate the bypass?
What /sbin/tomoyo-init is doing is basically

#! /bin/sh
for i in manager exception_policy domain_policy profile stat
cat /etc/tomoyo/$i.conf > /sys/kernel/debug/tomoyo/$i

You can write your version of /sbin/tomoyo-init (e.g. adding GPG signature
check or whatever you want.)
